Sammy Wilson, a 26-year-old mother is hoping to break the record of having the smallest waist in the world.

Sammy Wilson is already well on the way to achieving her goals.

The mum-of-one, from Georgia, US, transformed her 14st body by losing weight and wearing a “waist training” corset for up to 18 hours a day.

She’s now a size 2 and can squeeze her tiny 21.5 inch waist into a corset measuring just 15 inches.

Her journey doesn’t end there, with Sammy admitting: “I want to have the smallest waist in the world.

“If I get down to 14 inches my waist will be roughly the same size as an average newborn baby’s head and one inch smaller than the current world record.”

Sammy added: “When I first started I just wanted to try and get to a 20 inch corset, but once I’d got there I just wanted to keep going.”

The single mum to son, Gabriel, one, hopes to lose another inch in order to beat the current world record held by Cathie Jung.

To do this, she plans to wear her corset for 18 hours a day until she reaches her goals.

Once a month, she even hopes todo a 36 hour stint in the restrictive garment.

The lab worker is happy with how her waist-shrinking is going – even though she attracts criticism from strangers on the street.

She revealed: “If I’m out shopping, people will stare and they will sometimes even stop and ask me questions about how my waist is so small and ask if it hurts.

“Some people say I’m weird, call me a freak and ugly, or ask me why I would do this to myself.

“I don’t know how people can say it’s dangerous, it’s actually very comfortable…

“Despite people’s concerns I think it has helped my health massively.

“I used to be a terrible binge eater but I just can’t binge eat when I’m wearing this.”

Sammy added: “It helps my posture so I won’t have a hump when I’m older and it’s very good for my metabolism.

“My family have been very supportive and my friends tell me I’m unrecognisable.

“My mum even wants me to get her a corset.

“I’m definitely more confident now than I ever have been before.”

The mum also believes being skinnier has made her life “easier”.

Sammy said: ”When you’re skinny and pretty life is just so much easier.

“More guys want to take me out and more people notice me.

“I just want to see how far I can take it…

“Everyone wants to be remembered for something and I just want to have something that I can smile to myself about and know that nobody else has done it.”


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